Sunday 12 February 2012

Location, location location

Changes are coming with the winter rain. Its been expected for a while, almost foretold, but I misread some of the clues and signs involved. I guess my own sight was too focused on the target. But its nothing bad, just unexpected. Im moving again! But unlike last time when I crossed an ocean and a border (and a few bridges), now Im just moving across town. I'll miss the fairytale beauty of Alum Chine, but I'll be closer to work, have more space to myself, and better yet, my friends will be two streets away, so we can now see each other more often, and more easily. Another bonus is that I'll have more kitchen space, and a larder!! I honestly can't wait to fill it up with comfort, warmth, inherited recipes and security. So I'll be baking and cooking a lot more again.
Not to mention that I'll have a garden, which is perfect timing, so I/we (my house mate) have time to plan our garden. We both love to cook so we'll have lot's of fresh herbs.
I'm saving up to have my stuff shipped over from Denmark so I can't afford to spent money of decorating and furniture, so I'll have a very empty room for a while I'm affraide  (but I have been to IKEA to look at options, lots of magic space maker funitur available, will post pics when I get them). But I really don't mind. It just means I have time to search and find just the right stuff that fits the home I want to create. My friends are also a big help, they asked me in detail what my tast is, what colors I like and what style. So they too are going on the lookout for me, so the hunt is on! I'll just do what I did when i first moved to England, furnish my room with picktures. Its easy, cheap and a very efficiant way to create personal space, but unfortunately I cant sleep on a picture, so I will have to invest in a bed, and some kind of storage for my clothes. 
On a different note, Im actually enjoying the gentle rains and gray clouds, (I must be turning English), especially since the rest of Europe and north UK are covered in snow and frost. A bit of rain is just fine with me! After all, we did not get frost until mid January and it did not last that long, now we just have chili autumn weather (I might have to invest in Wellingtons at long last).
As we move through the second calender month of the new calender year, I'm starting to feel other foretold changes. Soon I'll be back at the moontree for more training in the Reiki mastership, the team awsomn circle is expanding and possibilities for various working are on the horizon. The past new years have been full on very specific changes, now we are starting a new set of changes, continuing the building that was started under the old changes, tweaking the details, fine tuning and expanding. Soon I'll have been here for two years, it's another marked passed and I can feel that I'm standing on more stable ground. I can't help to compare my move to England, to when I moved to Copenhagen. But where equally epic moves and changed me and my life very much, but what I compare is the time it took me to build a home and circle of friends in Copenhagen and the time it's taking now. 
I think the title given to the coming time, is "Resources coming together", and it's already starting to happen.