Sunday 20 November 2011

Autumn Reflections

It's late november and southern UK is finally enjoying autumn. Guy Fawkes Night have passed with great fires (supposedly to celebrate the survival of an english king, but the pagan connection is not lost on me, the battle of the two kings will always manifest from time to time). And not to mention the sweeties offered and the hog roast rolls, chestnuts and mulled wine. It was truly a celebration.   

And I'm still shaping and building, I guess that's going to carry on forever no matter where I go, change are after all part of the human program, weather we like it or not. The particle matter of getting the rest of my stuff, memories, nick nacks and life, transported to the UK is getting more real, friends are gathering and planning to make it happen. It reassures me that even though we no longer see each other very often, we still have a lasting connection, and I have not left all behind. Hearts do remember.

I still don't reach out enough, I still don't look out enough or grab a hand, but I'm getting better at it and I'm truly trying to shape new connections in life and all matters.......and results are slowly shaping before my minds eye.