Monday 25 July 2011

Proper medium and bending forward

Well Im trying to turn it, as in turning the situation, hopefully some of the circumstances will come later when Im ready. Yoga is on the agenda, or ad least Im threatening to :) The local medical center offers it for 7 quid a go, so it worth trying but still thats 28-35 a month.....but I'll try and add it to my plans of change :)
And besides I know that if I don't the tower will come looming again like it always do. But I appreciate it now for what it is, and thats an opportunity for creation.

And another big gift for myself, I bought a beautiful notebook for poetry and I started using it. All I need is the proper book and I cant stop myself, which really gives me great pleasure to use my creativity  again in its true form and medium. It reminds me that we all hold our own tower power of change,  creation and reshaping.

Again I find myself safely under Pandoras key.