Thursday 9 June 2011

Emerald green changes

The changes of the towers shadow no longer frighten me, but it still surprises me. I'm surprised in all the different shapes I find the change in, and the grand scale of blessings that it's beginning to bring into my life. I still see challenges in the tower that should not be underestimated, but I now have more faith in myself and the people that support my steps.

The slow nighttime lights of the overgrown chine, cradle my thoughts of life, the things I have shaped thus fare and the plans I have for the coming shapings. I never thought that I could feel safe living the life Im living now, but here I am, loving every second and feeling right at home, and that is to say safe in this world.  Sure theres still practical details that haunt my remaining seance of paranoia, but I know that child now and are amending.

Laying in the deep green shadows in my room, at the edge of the chine, I'm listening to the owls greetings to the oncoming night, giving fair warning to the small ones that the hunt are soon to begin. Ocean waves mix and mingle with the nightlife of the chine and I finally surrender to sleep in the halls of the holy hunter that roam these ancient isles.

So much is still to come.....